The following questions have been selected as the most frequently asked by students (both general questions and therapy-specific). If you have other questions as you begin to practice the therapy, please do not hesitate to contact D2D Therapies. Reflexology massage courses in london
Q: Does reflexology treat disease?
A: No. Reflexologists do not work with a direct treatment orientation; rather they aim to investigate problem areas, revitalizing the whole body and hence supporting the body in its own healing process. Frequently due to this, disease is alleviated or managed successfully.
Q: How long should a reflexology treatment last?
A: The treatment itself takes between 40 minutes to one hour. The initial consultation can take up to 15 minutes.
Q: How much should I charge?
A: As a guide to how much to charge for your therapy the best idea is to research the cost of therapy in your local area. Make sure that you are making the comparison accurately as you may be offering more (or less) in a therapy than your competitors offer. Check what is offered by your competitors and how long their treatments last to be sure that you are comparing accurately.
Q: How often can a person have a reflexology treatment?
A: Even though reflexology feels so wonderful the client would like to have it done every day, it is always best not to have a full reflexology session more than once every 3 or 4 days.
If they have a health condition that is being assisted with reflexology you would probably start with a session once every 3 or 4 days then as their condition improves you would taper your sessions down as you feel you need to.
If they are a relatively healthy person and you’re using reflexology to maintain their health then you may only want a session once every couple of weeks or once a month. No one knows them, their body and how they feel better than they do, so they should be the judge of what they think would be the most beneficial to their health maintenance program.

Q: The client says they have ticklish feet – does reflexology tickle?
A: Reflexology should not tickle! The pressure is very gentle and is applied with the thumbs and middle fingers. Clients with very ticklish feet are surprised at how they are able to tolerate a treatment and usually comment that it is not what they expected!
Q: How many treatments will be needed?
A: This depends on the individual. If there is a problem which has been present for some time, they may need at least four treatments initially; also it is important to realize that some individuals respond more quickly than others.
Q: How many conditions can I address during one therapy session?
A: The first time you see a client you should always perform a full consultation and deliver the full ‘Basic Reflexology Routine’ on either hands or feet. This could include a treatment for a specific ailment (or 2 at most). During subsequent therapy treatments you can address additional and/or other conditions but it is always better to focus on fewer specific ailment treatments rather than more, because if you treat too many areas (or too many conditions) the client may feel over- stimulated, or get very tired. Remember that even when working with just one specific ailment treatment, you can address this via working with the direct and the associated reflex points.
Q: Will a reflexologist remove hard skin and cut the nails too?
A: No. Unless the practitioner also holds a professional chiropody qualification, they should not carry out any such work. Reflexology massage courses in London